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Author Archives: Beyond Immigration

February 18, 2022

Statement of purpose is considered as one of the most important documents required for the application process for the student who wishes to study abroad. A statement of purpose is written to highlight the candidate’s educational background, achievements, and goals and also mentions the reasons for choosing the desired university as well as the program. The statement of purpose benefits the candidates to stand out among the huge number of applications and distinguish themselves according to their grades. The statement of purpose reflects the candidate’s enthusiasm for studying in the desired university based on their extracurricular achievements as well as academic achievements. A snapshot of the candidate’s personality has been reflected by the statement of purpose by the academic performance and helps the administration to make decisions if they find the candidate a good fit for the campus culture. The statement of purpose makes your way towards the receiving of a letter of acceptance. It is necessary to have a statement of purpose for the visa application as well as for the Student Direct Stream (SDS).

How to write an SOP?

The first step is to create an outline accordingly. The candidate should start the statement of purpose by giving a brief introduction about what developed his interest in the particular subject. After that, the relevant achievements and expertise should be considered and the reason behind choosing the course and the university. The main thing that should be kept in notice while writing purposes should be that the focus is required to be on mentioning your learning and education as well as the market and industry experience. The language should be positive, and the candidate should demonstrate their interests and goals and how their talents, experiences, and interests are going to help them to contribute to the institution in the future. If the candidate has any educational gap, then that should be considered optimistically. Having a clear introduction and conclusion is extremely important. It is suggested to re-analyze the statement of purpose before sending it as this will help the candidate to correct the flow, vocabulary, sentence construction, errors, and other grammar issues. 

Is the statement of purpose mandatory for a Canada student visa?

All Canadian universities do not require an SOP for pursuing higher studies. It is completely on the university if they require a statement of purpose or not. Although, most of the Canadian reputed institutions require a statement of purpose. If a candidate wishes to apply for one or more Canadian universities, then the candidate should use most of the same content except the course details as well as the university names.

How do I write a statement of purpose to an embassy for a visa?

The statement of purpose plays a key role in the visa application. It is stated as the most crucial part of the application. To get your application accepted, the statement of purpose should be completely honest and must be reflecting the candidate’s true personality and professional identity. 

Writing a statement of purpose for a university is slightly different from a statement of purpose for a visa application. The statement of purpose for the visa should be well-detailed and the visa officer should have complete clarity of the candidate’s future aspects in the specific country.

The structure should be in the following way:-

  • The address of the candidate should be mentioned at the top right corner of the statement of purpose and on the left side; the address of the visa officer of the particular country should be mentioned.
  • The second step is to mention the subject of the matter of the candidate’s statement of purpose for the visa application.
  • The next paragraph should start with a brief introduction of what the candidate intends to discuss for the visa in their statement of purpose. 
  • The pointers that are required to be included in the introduction should be discussing the long-term goal and the inter-link about how it relates the candidate to the preferred educational program. This should also include the future goals of how the candidate’s preferred course will contribute to the field. 
  • The candidate should also include pointers related to their background about how things helped them develop their interests in the chosen professional field. This helps the visa officer to connect with the point of view of the candidate. 
  • Coming to the next paragraph, the candidate should summarize everything about their academic background, qualifications, and accolades. The internship experiences and current studying, projects, academics, market or industrial exposure. 
  • The candidates have to take care of the fact that they should not highlight any negative aspect as well as any dishonest approach in the statement of purpose. 
  • The next step is to write about the professional experiences of the candidate. This helps the candidate establish a career progression. The student’s great career graph will be a plus point.
  • The next step is to elaborate on the reasons for joining the particular academic course and the university. The candidates should discuss how the specific course and different modules will help them in shaping a brighter future. The skills of the candidate should also be considered which would be helping them to get better exposure in developing and honing the skills needed in the professional goals. And the dream goals should be briefly discussed in the statement of purpose.
  • Considering the last paragraph, the candidate should conclude by stating their passion, willingness, and readiness to pursue education in the desired university. The statement of purpose for the visa should sound focused on the future vision to follow their dreams. The candidate’s zeal and zest to study and work should be nicely reflected in the statement of purpose. 

Do I need a Letter of Explanation for a Canada study permit?

The Letter of Explanation is an official document stating the valid reasons of the candidates for studying in Canada. This is also considered to clarify the contradictory details in the study permit application. Letter of explanation and statement of purpose are the same thing in Canada. This document is considered a necessary document in Canada for the visa and university application.

February 18, 2022
February 18, 2022

Recently Canada made an announcement stating that the country is planning to welcome more than 1.3 million immigrants over the next three years to support the post-pandemic growth.

Canada has decided to increase its immigration targets. The country is looking forward to welcoming almost 432,000 new immigrants in the year 2022 instead of the initial plan to welcome 411,000 newcomers.

Indians have the highest nationality in gaining permanent residency in Canada accounting for about 40% of the total number. A total of 27,000 Indians gained access to Canada and about 50,000 Indians were invited to make an application for permanent residency.

Canada is planning to target the following number of immigrants in the coming three years:-

  • An account of 431,645 permanent residents in 2022
  • An account of 447,055 permanent residents in 2023
  • An account of 451,000 permanent residents in 2024

The immigration minister Sean Fraser stated that the levels plan will help balance the needs of the country and the international obligations. The main focus of the levels plan is to attract skilled workers who are going to contribute to the economy of Canada and help tackle the labour shortage while keeping in mind the importance of family reunification and providing help to the world’s most vulnerable populations through refugee support. Support will be provided to Canada’s resurgence through increased retention of newcomers in the regions which are facing economic, labour, and demographic challenges. The minister also added that he is proud of how far Canada has come with its achievements and looking forward to Canada becoming the top destination of choice with the help of the newcomers.

It is estimated that the Express Entry, the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), and the Temporary to Permanent Residence will invite 56% of new immigrants in the year 2022.

The PNP program of Canada is looking to invite 83,500 newcomers through this program as it is the main admission program for the economic class immigrants suggested by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Express entry admissions are cut half for this year but it is aimed to get back to normal levels by the year 2024 with the estimated arrival of 111,500 immigrants.

The IRCC is considering the TR2PR program as the main immigration program with inviting 40,000 immigrants in 2022 and 32,000 immigrants by 2023 and planned to reduce the admissions under the Express Entry system.

Canada’s provinces are regulating the PNP invitations since the start of the pandemic. 24% of the admissions are estimated to be considered by the family class which includes at least 80,000 candidates to arrive under the Spouses, Partner, and Children Program and considering 25,000 applications under the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP). PGP admissions target has been increased by 1500 additional spots by the IRCC.

The left 20% of the candidates will be arriving in Canada under the refugee and humanitarian programs. Canada is looking forward to resettling 40,000 Afghan refugees over the coming years.

The Canadian government has been requested to state its immigration plan by November 1 every year by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). The announcement wasn’t made last year because the Canadian government was holding an election in September. Canada’s immigration system is completely guided by the levels plan. The basic approach of the levels plan is to look at the number of immigrants the country is going to welcome under the various federal, provincial, and territorial programs. According to this, the IRCC plan their operations to ensure that it can attract, settle, integrate, and retain the targeted levels of newcomers that are set to arrive in the provinces and territories.

By 2015, the number of immigrants welcomed in Canada was about 250,000. A target of 300,000 newcomers was announced in 2016. The target rose to 340,000 before the pandemic started and the immigration fell below 200,000 in 2020. To support the post- Covid economic recovery, the Canadian government decided to welcome 400,000 immigrants every year.

Canada’s immigrant record broke down last year by welcoming 405,000 new permanent residents, mostly from the temporary residents of the country.

Under the Express Entry, the PNP, and Quebec’s streams, almost 62% of the immigrants took entry to Canada, and 20% of immigrants were welcomed under the family class through the Spouses, Partner, and Children Program and the Parents and Grandparents Program, as well as the refugee and humanitarian programs, welcomed 15% immigrants.

Canada has an ageing population and low birth rate that makes Canada lack in population, labour force and economic growth, and enough workers so that they can pay taxes to support health care and education. As a result, Canada has to target newcomers to support its economy.

Due to the pandemic, taking up immigration largely has become important for the economy. The increased spending during the pandemic has made the Canadian government-run fiscal deficits. Employers belonging to Canada faced labour shortages because of the ageing population and the changing economy during the pandemic and the less arrival of the immigrants.

As the country is holding elections for the second year a well, it is required for the Canadian government to table the second Immigration Levels Plan of the year by 1st November 2022 replacing the recent plan.

February 17, 2022

Canada is considered a country with the highest immigration rates. The country is diverse as well as economically stable and these reasons lead to high immigration rates. Canada offers a safe, friendly, and peaceful environment to immigrants from all over the world. Canada’s high-level and affordable education has been the major attraction for international students to study in Canada. Canada’s vibrant and efficient market for labour helps immigrants to get a wide variety of job opportunities.

Let it be international students or immigrants, Canada is considered an important destination. Canada offers great job opportunities to the people migrating to the country. The great thing about Canada is that the country allows international students to take up part-time jobs during their studies which help them to alleviate the costs of studying and living.

International students can work legally in Canada while pursuing their education. The students can work on or off-campus as well. International students don’t need to obtain a work permit for part-time work. 

A few things that an international student should take care of is that the student must be enrolled as a full-time international student which means that the student must have a valid study permit in Canada. The students have to wait for their education program to start to get started with their part-time work. The students cannot start working before the start of their studies. And once the study program gets over, he has to seek a work permit to continue working in Canada.

The thing that should be kept in the notice is that the international students are allowed to work for only 20 hours a week during their regular academic studies. But the international students are allowed to work full-time during their holidays and the weekends.

The usual time a student spends in class is around 15-20 hours a week. So they get plenty of time to take up part-time work as well as to study, socialize, relax and enjoy life.

Can I get a job in Canada without experience?

When it comes to getting a job in Canada, if the student or immigrant is not having work experience, then it becomes difficult to obtain a work opportunity in Canada. Candidates with work experience in Canada or outside Canada have higher chances of getting a work opportunity.

If the candidate wants to immigrate to Canada for permanent residency purposes, it is necessary to have a job to sustain in the country. Therefore, it is prescribed to have at least 12 months of paid work experience before immigrating to Canada.

How can a new immigrant find a job in Canada?

While migrating to Canada, the candidate can find a job in various ways-

  • The first point is to polish the resume because it is the key to getting interviews and job opportunities as a new immigrant. The resume of the candidate should be well-structured and all the academic achievements and work experiences. 
  • The best way to look out for a job in Canada, the candidate should research the Canadian job requirement sides. These websites like LinkedIn and other websites, as well as social media, help the candidate to expand their network and connect with opportunities.
  • The candidate should largely focus on improving their interview skills, the focus should be largely on improving their communication skills and body language. 

Where in Canada is it easy to find a job?

Some of the Canadian states offer a wide variety of jobs for international students and the unemployment rate in Canada is also very low. The major destination for the best and easiest work opportunities in Canada is Brantford, Brantford’s employment rate has risen to 17.3% in recent years.

Some other top cities of Canada for work opportunities are:-

  • Ottawa, Ontario
  • Kelowna, British Columbia
  • Quebec City, Quebec
  • Calgary, Alberta
  • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  • Abbotsford, British Columbia
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Victoria, British Columbia
  • Toronto, Ontario

How hard is it to get a job in Canada as an immigrant?

Canada is a well-developed country and it becomes a bit difficult to look for a job in Canada. If the candidate has a great academic background as well as good work experience, then finding a job in Canada is not that difficult for the candidates.

What is the best job for an immigrant in Canada?

 Canada is chosen by most of the candidates for immigrating purposes because the country offers a wealth of opportunities in well-paid and highly skilled-role. The country’s doors are wide open for skilled international workers who are looking forward to working and living in the country. 

Recently, Canada has faced a shortage of skilled workers and as a result, to tackle this problem, the government developed a Fast-Track immigration process for candidates who have high-priority skills. This process has benefitted a huge number of people settling down in Canada.

Some of the top career opportunities in Canada for immigrants are:-

  • Nurses

Canada employs a large number of healthcare workers because Canada has a large elderly population.

  • Pharmacist

Pharmacists are needed in Canada to provide help keeping the aging population happy and healthy.

  • Truck Driver

Canada is a vast country and difficulties arise at the time of delivering goods all over the country. Hence, to maintain the supply of goods in a smooth way, Canada provides a large number of job opportunities as truck drivers. 

  • College Instructor

The Canadian colleges require a high level of officials to teach in the colleges. The country is expected to face instructor shortages in the upcoming time. Therefore, candidates are offered a wide variety of jobs.

  • Software Engineer and Designer

Canada is a country developing greatly in the technology sector. Canada welcomes tech talent from all over the world.

Some other popular job opportunities are as follows-
  • Welder
  • Electrician
  • Data scientists, Statisticians
  • Steamfitter
  • Veterinary Technician
February 17, 2022

People all around the world are facing difficulties as they are waiting for a long time to get the results of their Canadian visa application. A recent data report from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada shows that Canada is having a backlog of almost two million immigration applications.

The pending applications include several applications from future candidates, permanent residents, international students, temporary workers, and visitors as stated by the media.
The application processing delays have occurred due to the Covid-19 outbreak as stated by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada. Due to Covid-19, most of the department’s in-person offices remained shuttered for over two years making the applicants left with no clear method to check on the status of their applications.
The number of people waiting for the application decisions is around 1,815,628 which is up by 0.15 from December 2021.
The number of applications for permanent resident applicants has gone down by several 29,165 since October which included the improvement of the economic class followed by the family class.
The number of temporary residence inventory applications has risen by 73,000 applications since October but Canada has also seen a decline in the study permit applications. Recently, Canada has seen a workers shortage, and to fulfil the worker’s demand, Canada has seen a demand for various temporary residence categories throughout the pandemic.
The temporary resident program of Canada considers three types of “classes” which include visitors, workers, and students.
According to the announcement made by Minister Fraser on 31st January states that the county is planning to make 147,000 PR decisions during the first quarter of 2022 making double the applications approved during 2021. IRCC’s new budget of $85 million will help the processing service standards to return to normal for the work permits, study permits, and permanent resident card renewals latest by the end of 2022.
Canada has seen a rise in the population making it to 37 million people in 2021 even after having such a big number of applications backlog. The reasons behind the rise in the population are due to immigration in the downtowns and distant suburbs of large cities making them grow stronger.
Residents arriving in Canada from all over the world during the year 2016-2021 is around 1.8 million making Canada retain the position as the fastest-growing G7 country as stated in the Census 2021 released by Statistics Canada. Of those 1.8 billion people, 80% of people belonged from all over the world.

September 20, 2021

Canada is a dreamscape for many aspirants, job enthusiasts, and those who want to settle in the most desirable landscape. To live together with loved ones, friends, family or relatives is everyone’s wish. If one is eligible- they can sponsor their acquaintance and family member by following some reasonable and necessary guidelines. 

Can a friend sponsor me to Canada?

It will be quite a task if an aspirant is willing to pursue higher studies in Canada. A relative, friend, or a capable family member can write a letter stipulating that they will pay for their tuition fee and living necessities as proof of a study permit. Apart from this, one requires a letter of admission from a Canadian educational institution, financial support proof, and proof; the aspirant will leave after completing their studies. Friends of permanent residents or Canadian citizens may apply for a visitor visa. However, there is no direct sponsorship program for a friend of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident currently available. When; a visa officer or the designated authority will ask for the invitation letter from a friend, an applicant needs to present or send it to the office where they have applied for the visiting visa. Although, one can become a permanent resident or settle in for the long term in Canada, under the family class category. After becoming a permanent resident one can study, live and work in Canada without applying for a visiting visa anymore. Our readers must be wondering about family class category visas or how to sponsor someone to Canada. Likewise, other immigration visas categories, family class sponsorship also have certain eligibility requirements to be fulfilled. The applicant or sponsor should start reviewing the family sponsorship application and relevant requirements. The sponsor should at least meet the following requirements; eighteen years of old or older, have permanent resident proof, or Canadian citizen and minimum necessary income as per the requirement. Now, sponsorship application allows spouses, dependent child, brother or sister, adopted child, and others to be eligible with the appropriate guidelines. Beyond Immigration provides the best assistance and guidance to their clients with zero consultation charges. It is India’s renowned and most trusted consultation service collaborated with more than forty-five countries. 

How much do you need to sponsor someone in Canada?

Once one has met all the requirements for sponsoring someone to live in Canada, how much income will they require for that? Under the family class sponsorship or parents and grandparents program, PGP, one can sponsor their loved ones as per their eligibility. PGP is the cheapest program as Ottawa has reduced the sponsor amount where the sponsor can have to bear it for minimum last year. “Since many sponsors may have been affected financially by the COVID-19 pandemic, the income  requirement for the 2020 tax year has been reduced to the minimum necessary income, instead of the minimum necessary income plus 30 percent,” IRCC. 

How do you become a sponsor in Canada?

The eligible sponsor should be eighteen years old and a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada concerning the applicant. The most significant aspect of the sponsorship application is that sponsor needs to submit proof of their relation to the applicant. For instance, for spouse sponsorship, attach a marriage certificate with the application. Different documents required submitted to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC); IMM 5287 application. As per Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC); government processing fees must be submitted along with most visa applications. A processing fee for any of the mentioned sponsorship applications will depend on the number of people, one is sponsoring. 

Canada being a committed nation to reunification and loved ones together; offers various kinds of immigration programs. It provides an opportunity for the sponsors to help their relatives or family members. With reduced processing time, the family sponsorship programs make it easy for Canadian citizens or permanent residents to bring their spouses/relatives/family members. Therefore, through this program, one can live, study and work in Canada and become a permanent resident there. Among, the benefits of this sponsorship program is e.g.; parents residing in Canada on a dependent visa as permanent as permanent residents can apply for Canadian citizenship after three years and much more. 

September 18, 2021
September 18, 2021

Generally, one must apply for a study permit before enrolling themselves into an accredited university in Canada. An aspirant can apply for a study permit from within Canada. One can work with other important things like- family or arranging the required prospects. An immigration consultant can assist or guide in the procedure for the best option available. International studies with ambition are a critical and complex job that requires continuous communication and up-to-date documents. Every year, over 130,000 international students choose to study at Canadian universities for higher studies. Canada is the most popular location for lucrative job offers and a high-quality education system. It is full of numerous possibilities and, with a vibrant culture, one can grow effectively. According to the upgraded laws, 2021, to facilitate the work permit while studying or post-study, for STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics; can attain a work permit without any complexities. All the academic institutions focus on- a major; aspect of international collaborations, research-based studies, scientific publications, and global marketing skills. With the help of these, the aspirants will develop a cross-cultural and skill-oriented interface with the existing ecosystem. 

Is it easy to get a student visa for Canada?

A student visa or permit for Canada involves several procedures to apply to international universities. Note that a student visa does not act as a regular visa, allowing one to enter or travel in the country. Obtaining a student visa can be a challenging job sometimes. Therefore, being a popular and highly-acclaimed destination for the aspirants to pursue their higher studies in an advanced developed country. However, this popularity also portrays the rigidity in the visa process significantly. An aspirant must make sure that their applications with the required documents are appropriate. And there is no chance to get rejected which is an uncommon thing. Although there are some reasons which can be behind the rejection, let us understand these factors:

  • Including of letter of acceptance– LOA, a letter of acceptance is a necessary document that needs to be obtained by an aspirant. Ensure that LOA has been listed- in the designated learning institution list provided by a Canadian host school. Failure to present the LOA or its authenticity/validity is doubtful; the visa application might get rejected. 
  • Financial reasons: As a part of the Canadian visa application process, aspirants should submit a bank certificate/bank statement. These documents are the evidence that one can support themselves while studying in Canada. If an aspirant, unable to pay for their tuition fees, travel expenses, or daily expenses. They can encounter application rejection for a student visa.  
  • Failure to leave the country at the end of your studies: It is a necessary thing to remember for an aspirant while applying for the visa application, is a temporary visa, which comes with an expiration period. In this matter, the authority will check for one’s previous travel history, family tie-ups in Canada, and the country of residence, as well. 
  • Issues with travel or identity documents: Submitting all the appropriate documents, including- a valid passport, a recent passport size photograph of the aspirant, and a proper application form. Also, make sure all the relevant documents are easy to understand and well-arranged. The authority will verify all of them while proceeding with the formalities, checking whether the aspirant is admissible or not. 
  • Academic performance: For a value-based quality education system; Canada, is the most desired destination for aspiring students. With good grades or consistency in the previous academic performance, one can get their student visa verified. As the English language is a mandatory requirement for every aspirant, the scores secured in the IELTS or TOEFL demonstrate the ability to achieve the desired goal. Then, the authority can pass the visa application. But, with a combination of low grades or uneven scores, the visa officer might ask the question on the ability of the aspirant to cope-up with the English taught subjects. 
  • COVID-19 update: Due to the pandemic, some of the VAC- Visa Application Centre might be affected by office dealings. Ensure the guidelines before visiting manually or online for a student visa application. 

How many funds are required for a Canadian student visa?

Canada has a diverse emigrant historical background with thinly-populated metropolitan cities with multiple opportunities to study abroad. Securing a student visa or permit for Canada;the proof of unburdened available funds is required to cover all the learning and living experiences.

One can provide the proof of funding with the mentioned documents as:

  •  A Canadian bank account document; showing the transferred money.
  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) from a Canadian bank.
  •  Proof of the education loan or student loan from a bank.
  • Bank statements for the past four months.
  • Proof of paid tuition and housing/accommodation documents. 
  • A letter of scholarship from the school/college one has applied at;

Tuition fees can vary from institution to institution and study programs. 

How can I get Canada student visa fast?

An aspirant can get the student visa as fast as possible, depending on the Student Direct Stream where an aspirant belongs. Although, some applications might take time to process further. To receive faster proceedings: an aspirant should provide the biometrics and provide all the required documents or fulfill the eligibility requirements.

What are the requirements for a student visa in Canada?

Most of the aspirants are always curious about the eligibility requirement to study in Canada. The criteria to qualify the application process are:

  • Education qualification- Graduation from UGC or AICTE recognized university with a 50% score.
  • However, consistency in the studies makes an exceptional case for the aspirants with or without any year back(s). Likewise; 
  • A graduation degree has to be complete- within the stipulated time without any year back.
  • The aspirant must have completed their studies or professional course not more than ten backlogs at the time of graduation. 

 In the general prospect of a student visa for Canada, the basic requirements are: valid passport, attested copies of Xth, XIIth, and Degree certificates, two academic references, two employer references, Statement of Purpose (SOP), extracurricular activities certificates, acceptance letter from the applied education institution, proof of payment, passport size photographs, study permit and visa, TOEFL & IELTS certificate, English proficiency, proof of financial aids/funds, and any additional required document from the applied institution should be included or produced during visa application. 

Hence, the stage of a student visa application for Canada is crucial and critical. One should carefully go through with every requirement for the same. The aspirant must need to collect and organize all the proofs and documents accordingly. With the above-mentioned elaborative answers, Beyond Immigration tried to solve the general curious questions of the aspirants. To facilitate the process for every young and growing aspirant, we thrive to maintain the possibilities across the globe. 

September 15, 2021

An immigration consultant provides assistance to people to migrate from one country to another for study, work, job, and travel or business purposes. The services and support provided by an immigration consultant under the legal services includes various prospects but not limited. Beyond Immigration is the amongst India’s most trusted and renowned immigration companies. Their expert team of immigrant consultants chiefly supports in areas like- client’s profile approval, second language proficiency test preparations, student visa test clearance, guidance on client’s immigration application and proofread paperwork, and on various domains. On zero consultation charges, they have a 100% visa success, fantastic and long-term customer-relation services across the globe.  An advantage of choosing Beyond Immigration is, they have a well-qualified, certified, and experienced team of immigration consultants. These experts works tirelessly, meticulously, and professionally to guide and support with a human touch. An experienced and communicative consultant plays a significant role while applying for a migration or requires an alternate solution. They are up-to-dated in terms of immigration laws and rules, also, they acquired highly professional skills to document all the paperwork, takes efficient follow-ups about the client’s application and specific detailed requirements, and able to find best solutions through their research skills. Hence, when it comes to accountability and personal privacy, the clients can rely on them. 

There are a few general questions which come to every client’s mind, while hiring an immigration consultant. The elaborative answers as follows:

What services do immigration consultants provide? 

 An immigration consultant assists clients with documentation and acquiring all permits needed to facilitate their move to another country. They are the specialists in terms for relocating clients to a specific region, or to multiple areas. Their purpose is to communicate consistently with the clients and authorities to process the application smoothly as per the related legislation, if requires. The Beyond Immigration with the help of their immigration consultant works globally in every domain such as; study abroad, TechUSA, international internships, hospitality recruitment, permanent residency programs, LMIA, and every immigration requirement that has to be fulfilling with the complete lawful procedure. Being India’s best and renowned immigration consultancy and services, they are a trustworthy and reliable team which has its network and functions around the globe. Among the mentioned domains, major consultancy and guidance are provided by the expert immigration consultants for visas, like- education, spouse, work, teaching, international internships, and other relevant magnitude of assistance with zero consultation charges. That means, if a client is hiring an immigration consultant with Beyond Immigration, the success rate of visas are 100% with an effective guidance and communication. 

What makes a good immigration consultant?

A specialized, expert and experienced immigration consultant can provide perfect assistance and guidance to the clients. On a primary note, Beyond Immigration has a team of best immigration consultants with excellent communication and negotiation skills which requires communicating with the authorities for the visa application. Because of their interactive nature, teamwork, and strong interpersonal skills they collaborate and communicate with the clients and also with relative authorities; a reason for an effective professional and human relation. As India is a vibrant and diverse country, Beyond Immigration also believes to build the same connection with the people/clients based on a variety of cultural, educational, religious, and national/international background. At Beyond Immigration, these immigration consultants are highly-qualified and have knowledge of Canadian Immigration Law as well. Along with the above mentioned qualities, second major requirement that makes him/her a good immigration consultant is proficiency on second language, i.e., English language. It is a universal language to communicate and connect with the other people across the globe; it is necessary for an immigrant consultant to have a professional proficiency in the language. Because, ultimately they are going to be a bridge between you (the client) and relative authority to communicate efficiently and make everyone understand the requirements, terms, and situations according to a client’s profile. 

What is the difference between immigration lawyer and immigration consultant?

 The word ‘differ’ is a Latin word, differe- to set apart; when comes to an immigration consultant at Beyond Immigration they provide an excellent consultancy and services to its clients. Their teamwork, effective communication, full-fledge immigration procedure knowledge, 100% visas successful stories, and with expert guidance or advice stands them apart. These are the testimonials in themselves, hiring an experienced immigration consultant for outstanding performance. An immigration consultant works according to their client’s profile by understanding their requirements to enhance their chances for a successful visa application. Through organizational methods, research-based networking connections and negotiation skills; the immigration consultants produces best results. Their analytical thinking and open-minded approach brings them close to their client’s needs and to channelize it in context with the client’s profile. 

While an immigration lawyer can advocate for a client in front of the Federal Court in case if it requires. However, an immigration consultant works carefully while filing the client’s application. They are aware as how to protect your privacy, that is, they do not share client’s confidential information with anyone.

How do I verify my Canadian immigration consultant?

Before touching this topic/question, it is to be noted that a Canadian immigration consultant is no different than the immigration consultant. If a client only wishes to apply for a Canadian visa, an immigrant consultant can assist and guide accordingly as per the laws and rules of the respective government. Now, we will talk about the ICCRC, a national regulatory body to regulate the permitted services.  There are a few following steps involved to verify a Canadian immigration consultant;

  1. Visit: Website (https://iccrc-crcic.ca/find-a-professional-frame/)
  2. Write the name and surname of the immigration consultant; e.g., John Doe or insert all the details/RCIC number/Company name/Place.
  3. Click on Search
  4. When the result shows up, verify whether the status of the consultant is active or not.

Therefore, one can verify their Canadian immigration consultant’s profile through the above mentioned steps. Wherein, RCIC stands for Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant which means a particular immigration consultant is an authorized and citizenship representative; who will be guiding and representing the client to apply for their visa application.  


Hence, there are multitude of benefits of hiring an immigration consultant to have an effective approach while applying for a migration visa, relevant to your interest or requirements or profile. Teams of expert immigration consultants at Beyond Immigration can assist or guide and provide you (a client) multiple solutions to facilitate any complexity in the application procedure. They are well-qualified and possess strong communication & negotiation skills for an efficient approach for you. Consultants are very well acquainted with the laws and rules for a particular country as per your profile. So, there will be a plenty of time for you to concentrate on other necessary things as in, family, studies & jobs meanwhile, these consultants will be assisting you with your immigration visa application.  

August 13, 2020

Nunc quam arcu, pretium quis quam sed, laoreet efficitur leo. Aliquam era volutpat lobortis sem consequat imperdiet. In nulla sed viverraut loremut dapib estetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis.

Sponsoring and managing work visas parts now becoming results the experience aute irure dolor in reprehenderit cepteur sint ocae cat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa quis.

James Thomas

Imperdiet. In nulla sed viverraut loremut dapib estetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

August 13, 2020

Nunc quam arcu, pretium quis quam sed, laoreet efficitur leo. Aliquam era volutpat lobortis sem consequat imperdiet. In nulla sed viverraut loremut dapib estetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis.

Sponsoring and managing work visas parts now becoming results the experience aute irure dolor in reprehenderit cepteur sint ocae cat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa quis.

James Thomas

Imperdiet. In nulla sed viverraut loremut dapib estetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

August 13, 2020

Nunc quam arcu, pretium quis quam sed, laoreet efficitur leo. Aliquam era volutpat lobortis sem consequat imperdiet. In nulla sed viverraut loremut dapib estetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis.

Sponsoring and managing work visas parts now becoming results the experience aute irure dolor in reprehenderit cepteur sint ocae cat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa quis.

James Thomas

Imperdiet. In nulla sed viverraut loremut dapib estetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.